0 Serenity The state of being serene calmness peacefulness. 0 Peace The absence of war or other hostilities. A design like this would look splendid on your finger or arm, a little beacon of serenity amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. 0 Serenity The state or quality of being serene. It’s a gorgeous symbol of freedom, inner tranquility, and navigating life’s highs and lows with poise. With this robust prose, you can implement body art that will help you take an authoritative stance in overcoming any challenge you may encounter. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups. Power players ranging from Thomas Edison to John McCain have sighted Niebuhr’s prayer as influential in their own lives. The famous American scholar Reinhold Niebuhr first drafted the prayer in the early 20th century, and it became a powerful influence in Western thought ever since. Peace Tattoo stands for a pacifist comprehension on one hand, while it also delivers with a political statement. With this dynamic body art, you can incorporate the prayer’s powerful legacy into your daily life.Īs a mantra, the Serenity Prayer has one of the most influential life spans in modern history. Panda wearing Headphone Tattoo Meaning: This tattoo signifies calmness, peace, passion for music, energy, balance, and hope.

It depicts the nature of the wearer who might be artful and views life realistically. As a powerful testament to this statement’s power, many individuals report that they recall the moment they heard this prayer for the first time. Meaning: This tattoo symbolizes good luck, protection, adaptability, peace, serenity, and positive changes. A tattoo of a lotus flower 5 The Serenity Prayer Design: A Personal Story Author: Published: Review: 4. No matter what stage you are in your quest and life pursuits, this serenity tattoo can help you take your goals to the next level. Serenity Prayer Tattoo Symbol Serenity prayer depicts a person’s wish for peace, calm, and serenity in life.With this smooth tattoo, you can embrace inner peace in an innovative fashion. With the Serenity Prayer tattoo, you will find strength and contentment no matter what situation you face in life. Uplift yourself with one of the most powerful mantras of our era.